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The Legend of The Klon Centaur

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The Legend of The Klon Centaur

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Pedals for Hire

Somewhere, hidden from sight of even the most expert eye, sits Lord Lucan astride mighty Red Rum with a unicorn horn sprouting forth from his nose and fairies sprinkling petals of rarest orchids wherever he goes. And just next to him is a Gold Klon Centaur.

…used prices sky rocketed, easily reaching $1000 second hand…

Oh the Klon, how we lust after you.

Your simple silver or gold box, three purplish knobs of wonder and magical pixies inside that light up a guitar tone and lift it up to a place that only Stuart Hall could possibly describe. But oh the price, and huge capacity for buyer’s remorse once the box drops through your letterbox.

For those not aware, the Klon pedal was first released in 1994 and is a large pedal with unusual layout and (usually) a Centaur engraved on the front. They are made in the States by Bill Finnegan and have become synonymous with incredible overdrive tones.

The pace of production could never keep up with the rate of demand and so used prices sky rocketed, easily reaching $1000 second hand for something that cost £300 – $400 new.

The plot thickened when a new, cheaper version of the Klon was announced at the end of 2009, throwing the internet forums into a wild tizzy of excitement. But nothing concrete seems to have been heard since. Supposedly it is exactly the same wiring but a smaller case.

But is it worth it? Surely only you the reader can decide. It is incredibly expensive to purchase, but should maintain its retail value if not go up in value.

I personally would like to try one for sure, in the meantime, I’m off to find my unicorn catching net…

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Pedals for Hire

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About the author:

The Pedal For Hire penned articles featured on Guitar Jar were originally posted on the Pedals For Hire blog, and are re-used with kind permission.

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