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Submit your guitar equipment user reviews

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Would you like to contribute to Guitar Jar? If you own guitar equipment, anything from plectrums to 1959 Les Paul’s, why not submit a user review?

It doesn’t matter if you’re not up to speed on the specifications of the equipment or the fine details – what really matters is why, where and when you purchased the item and how much you like/dislike it. At Guitar Jar we want you to share your “real world” experiences and thoughts of the guitar equipment you own or have owned.

Is your overdrive pedal the best you’ve owned? What about that amp you swear you’ll never buy again? – Share your thoughts with the Guitar Jar community!

Please fill in the form below. All submissions will be reviewed by prior to publishing – please keep the language clean 😉

Submit your review:

Your First Name: (required)

Your Last Name:

Your Email: (required)

Make of guitar or equipment: (i.e. Fender)

Model: (i.e. Stratocaster)

Please provide a background to why you have used this guitar or piece of guitar equipment. Why were you looking for this product? Did you stumble across it by accident? Are you a fan of the brand? etc

Please be descriptive - this will help readers appreciate your post more.


Ease of use:

Sound quality:


Overall summary and opinion of this product:

If possible, upload an image of your item:

Please enter the values you see below:

Please note: All user review submissions will be reviewed prior to publishing to the web site and we try to review the articles as quick as possible. Please be aware that spelling and grammar checks will be made therefore some minor text modifications may be required.

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Submit your equipment reviews

Do you own a guitar, amp, effects pedal or guitar accessory that you love (or hate!). If so, become a Guitar Jar Magazine Contributor and submit your reviews for other guitarists to read.

About the author:

Sam is passionate about talking all things guitar related and started GuitarJar.co.uk to help encourage all guitarists in their guitar playing journey.

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