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Zager ZAD-50CE OM Acoustic Guitar Review

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Zager ZAD-50CE OM Acoustic Guitar Review

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Wendi

I have had several guitars in my lifetime. Gibson’s, Martins, Washburns, and I have been looking for a guitar that “fit” my hand. I stumbled by accident on the computer about the Zager.

…This guitar rings like a bell…

Zager ZAD-50CEOMI purchased a Zager ZAD-50CEOM. I have to admit I was apprehensive about this guitar being able to compare with guitars that cost twice as much, but it even surpassed with how easy it is to play.


When I began to play I was so pleased by the tone.

Ease of use:

You can play for hours and get so much practice in because your hands do not tire.

I can finally do barre chords without difficulty. The size of the guitar along with the ability to touch the strings and receive such a beautiful tone.

Sound Quality:

This guitar rings like a bell.



Overall Rating:

I have a friend that was here when the guitar came and I can see her buying one soon. Thank you for your devotion to making a great guitar that is affordable.

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Wendi

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