This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Rhys
I just happened to stumble across this product in a local guitar shop and I was blown away with it. I am not usually a massive fan of Yamaha guitars but this one was very different for its overall performance.
…as good as any £900 Taylor or Martin…
Not supplied with this review.
I am a big fan of the woods they used in this guitar, especially the Mahogany neck. I just found that it was a lot more enjoyable to play and it will never get sticky.
My favourite thing about this guitar though is the preamp controls.
With the A3R you don’t just get your average EQ, you also get resonance control, a selection of 3 different mics and you can blend between the mic and the P.U and it is also equipped with a tuner.
The blend control just makes the guitar sound so natural even when it is plugged in.
This guitar is fully reliable because of its strong build, the wiring and the woods that are used in the guitar.
I would say although the guitar is rather expensive at £755 it is as good as any £900 Taylor or Martin.
I would recommend the A3R to any guitarist who needs a great sounding reliable guitar for the studio and the stage!
This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Rhys
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