This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Wilma
…One sweet guitar…
A friend told me about Zager Guitars based here in Lincoln, Nebraska. I needed a guitar that would fit me. And it does!! I like buying local as well.
Beautiful finish spruce with mahogany. Acoustic/electric with tuner built in. Zager has a very good case to keep my new treasure safe.
Strings and frets are set for ease of movement. As an older newbie to picking up where I used to be with guitar, this is so helpful. I can hold it at a better balance.
Sounds bright and smooth. Tunes up quickly. Surprised myself to the quicker ability to make it happen!!!
Zager is reliable to help with any all questions. Especially with things I never taught about needing.
Just love it! Wow, one sweet guitar.
This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Wilma
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