This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Toby James
I like to listen to a lot of music from Slash to Hendrix and even synthy pop. I wanted a way to replicate these guys’ sounds. I decided to go one step at a time and get a Wah, as both Slash and Jimi like them.
…You could chuck it off a plane and it would be fine…
Well, I found this on amazon and decided to buy it, with it being on sale and all. When it arrived, I was expecting a Wah pedal. I got so much more. I got a friend for life.
When paired with a nice distortion pedal or a distorting amp, it sounds like Slash. When paired with a bridge pickup and tone turned down it sounds like Jimi. When used backwards, it sounds like a synth, what more can you want?
Well, I challenge you to find an easier pedal to use. Click it down and it’s on, wobble it a bit and it’s making noise, and then click it down again to turn it off! Easy as pie!
It doesn’t have any knobs, or needless switches to ‘cut mid ranges’ or ‘change the distortion level’ or ‘turn the volume up’, no, it is what it seems. There’s no hidden traps, warriors or alligators, the only thing hiding is sheer brilliance.
Well, it sounds amazing, even through my terrible amp.
It buzzes rarely and manages to turn the buzz from my other pedals into a nice Wah-ish tone, so I use it a bit like a noise gate! It supports any pickup or tone choice I make without a fuss (well, it might be complaining, but its complaints sure sound good!).
It has a nice clear tone and sounds nicely defined, but very legato.
This thing is the tank of the pedal world. It’s easily my toughest pedal. They say that only cockroaches could survive the apocalypse. No. This can out-survive anything. If world does end, then anything that comes after will just find a load of cockroaches playing on Crybabies.
You could chuck it off a plane and it would be fine.
‘When the Crybaby gets run over, it’s the car that says ouch’. That’s my quote.
This pedal will outlive me, it’ll outlive us all and if we’re not careful, within 1000 years there will be an empire run by 1000 year old, immortal, evil Crybabies. Kinda scary really.
Well, it’s great isn’t it? As you can see, it is my pride and joy.
All my friends are jealous, all my other pedals are jealous, God is probably pretty jealous. If you have the opportunity to get one, get it. It’s great.
This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Toby James
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