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Tanglewood T Series Acoustic Guitar Review

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Tanglewood T Series Acoustic Guitar Review

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Justin

This is my daughters guitar which we bought for her when she does gigs. She needed an electro-acoustic that would last. And, of course, as a fashionable teenager, it had to look stylish.

…Very stylish, sounds great, looks great, perfect for performance and overall a very good buy…

Tanglewood T SeriesWhen buying the guitar we weren’t too fussed about the brand, however, since, I have been looking at guitar for myself, and cannot find a better sound than the Tanglewood.


The shape. The small body is perfect for my daughter, and looks really unique. Haven’t seen anything like it on other guitars.

The wood seems to be hard-wearing and despite being knocked about a bit on our travels, hasn’t managed to get any marks!

Ease of use:

Very easy, the electric side compartment is very well labelled and we had no issues when using.

Sound Quality:

Sounds brilliant! When being amplified to audiences of 1000-3000, it still manages to sound natural, which is why we chose an acoustic over an electric, so that we had the naturalist sound.



Overall Rating:

AMAZING! Very stylish, sounds great, looks great, perfect for performance and overall a very good buy.

Can I just mention, when we bought it, it was second hand and yet it still is in perfect condition.

Tuning always surprises my daughter, because when the rest of her band are tuning every week, she only needs to tune once every other month, if that!

This review was submitted by Guitar Jar contributor: Justin

Not quite sure why, but stays so well in tune and really the best investments for my daughter!

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